
Force transducer, torque transducer, strain gauge amplifier
  • Integration of solutions based on torque and force

    CAPTRONIC advises you and produce test specimens for stress analyzes
  • Customized Force and Torque transducers

  • Load pin

  • Load Schackle with cable and wireless

  • Multi-axis transducers : up to 6 channels

  • Instrumentation analogue and digital for sensors


Force transducers

Tension, compression

Torque transducers

Static, dynamic

Instrumentation for sensors and embedded systems

Conditionners, amplifiers, displays, process meter

Study and development of force sensors, torque sensors

Calculation, design, manufacturing

Load pins

Standard, customized.

Load monitoring tensiometers and load links

Tensiometer, dynamometer, load schackle

Miniature pressure transducers

for hydraulic circuits in M6, M8, M10

Load cell calibration

Tension andTraction et compression,
standard ISO-376

Applications - Technologies
CAPTRONIC offers scientific instrumentation services . Welcome in our technical network 

Strain gauge bonding service

on metal, composite, concrete, wood

Screw and bolt instrumentation

From M3 to M100

Submersible, waterproof sensors

Customized designs of sensors

BLER_24 wireless digital signal transmission 

Bluetooth LE, signal bandwidth 2Hz to 10KHz

Test bench : force, torque , angle mesurement system

Development of HMI interfaces for aircraft laboratories in DAISYLAB environment

Design and manufacturing of multi-axis sensor

Development of multi-axes torque-force sensors

High-temperature force sensor

Design of customized sensors for high-temperature environment till 300°C

Wireless torque measurement on rotating shaft

Equipement and monitoring for torque measurement on truck rotating shaft

Support, advices in your scientific instrumentation projects

Listening your inquiries, welcome in our technical world
Tel :
Project management in our network
Connexions with laboratories, design offices, National research centers, Universities...

Our company

CAPTRONIC constantly develops and improves its range of force sensors, torque sensors, pressure sensors and its developments for embedded measurements of electronic cards and custom software.
French company created in 2007 in Calais by 2 engineers in embedded systems electronics and materials sciences who worked within VISHAY Measurement Group in Strain gauge analysis, digital simulation and study of strain gauges with the ambition of providing its customers with solutions cutting-edge in the specific field of instrumentation measuring Force, Torque, Pressure.
With over 20 years of experience, our team supports you in carrying out your projects.

We offer a standard range which you can find by consulting our website.
The range of specific products mainly including: standard and specific force sensors, multi-component 1 to 6 axes, dynamometers, 2-axis dynamometric axes, static and dynamic torque meters, custom force sensors and transformation of parts into sensors, 2 or 3 axis partially available on our site. The design of a new product can be proposed following the analysis of your specifications or specifications.
Since its creation, CAPTRONIC has been developing products and methods for integrating embedded systems with energy saving as a major goal.
Conditioning electronics for gauge bridges: development of special remote or integrated amplifiers, conditioners with displays, selective measurement system: band pass, filter, etc.
Extensometry equipment with strain gauge in our laboratory or partner laboratory.
Definition of the type of strain gauge and the maximum stress zones with the support of the finite element method.
Laboratory measurements on systems subjected to mechanical stress: cyclic fatigue, control under load, etc.
Definition of instrumentation solutions in the aeronautical product environment: MIL STD 810, GAM EG13, DO 160….
Sensor repair ; calibration of force, torque, pressure sensors.
We work in collaboration with partners to pool skills, which allows us to increase our capabilities and experience in areas in which CAPTRONIC wishes to be established.